
Paradise Golf Debit Card Discount Program

The Best Discount Program North of Boston – Guaranteed!

You purchase a discount debit card for $50, $100, or $150 and receive up to 25% additional value on mini golf, ice cream and driving range!

Weekday Morning 2 for 1 Bucket Special from mats only is available with Your Discount Debit Card.
Members should normally expect chipping and grass tee areas to be open from mid-April to mid-October.

Rewards Points, coupons and other discount offers are not available to debit card users. Weekday 2 for 1 Special not available on grass tee.

You Give Us$50We Give You$60
You Give Us$100We Give You$125
You Give Us$150We Give You$200

Driving Range Specials and Discounts

Monday-Friday: 8-11 am: 2 buckets for the price of 1 (For Mats only, and not when we have snow on the the ground )
*Monday-Friday specials are not available on weekday holidays

Senior Discounts Available

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